Fresco detail of Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, with his caduceus, a staff with 2 entwined snakes, inside the niche of the Lararium, a shrine dedicated to the guardian spirits of the household, in the Casa del Criptoportico, or House of the Cryptoporticus, Pompeii, Italy. The lararium adjoins a peristyle garden and has a lower black border painted with plants and flowers. The house is one of the largest in Pompeii and was owned by the Valerii Rufi family and built in the 3rd century BC. It takes its name from the underground corridor or cryptoporticus used as a wine cellar and lit by small windows. Pompeii is a Roman town which was destroyed and buried under 4-6 m of volcanic ash in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Buildings and artefacts were preserved in the ash and have been excavated and restored. Pompeii is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Picture by Manuel Cohen
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