Bust of Etienne Terrus, 1857-1922, French artist, bronze, 1905-07, by Aristide Maillol, 1861-1944, in the Musee d'Art Hyacinthe Rigaud, an art gallery housed in the Hotel de Lazerme, a private mansion built in the 18th century by the marquis Etienne de Blanes and bought in 1827 by Joseph de Lazerme, and the Hotel de Mailly, on the Rue de l'Age, Perpignan, Pyrenees-Orientales, Catalogne du Nord, France. The museum was renovated and reopened in 2017 and houses 3 exhibitions: Gothic Perpignan, Baroque Perpignan and Modern Perpignan, including works by local artists Hyacinthe Rigaud and Aristide Maillol. Picture by Manuel Cohen - Further clearances required for reproduction (artist's copyright)
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