Ceiling fresco of Dawn, in the central Oval Room, with a figure of Twilight with 2 torches pointing to night and dawn, with the moon on a cart pulled by oxen, and Mercury holding the Caduceus, in the Villa Farnese or Villa Caprarola, a 16th century Renaissance and Mannerist fortified villa designed by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola and built 1559-73 for the Farnese family under Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, in Caprarola, Viterbo, Lazio, Italy. The fresco was probably painted by Taddeo Zuccari, 1529-66, following an iconographic programme by Annibale Caro. The Villa Farnese is now owned by the state and run by the Polo Museale del Lazio. Picture by Manuel Cohen
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