Statue of Guillaume-Chretien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes, 1721-94, defender of Louis XVI, 1826, by Jacques Edmee Dumont, 1761-1844, flanked by figures of France and Fidelity, by Francois Joseph Bosio, 1768-1845, in the Salle des Pas Perdus, or Hall of Lost Causes, an enormous vestibule leading to the courthouses, in the Palais de Justice or Paris Law Courts, on the Ile de la Cite, Paris, France. The former royal palace was originally a medieval building, reworked and rebuilt several times, with a major reconstruction 1857-68 by architects Joseph-Louis Duc and Honore Daumet under Haussmann. The complex includes the Palais de Justice, the Sainte-Chapelle and the Conciergerie. Picture by Manuel Cohen
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