Polychrome plaster replica of King David with a scroll, with Moses on the left and Jeremiah on the right, from the Puits de Moise, or Well of Moses, 1395-1403, sculpted by Claus Sluter, 1340-1406, and his studio, and painted by Jean Malouel, 1365-1415, originally for the Chartreuse de Champmol, in the Musee des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, opened 1787 in the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy in Dijon, Burgundy, France. The sculpture was commissioned by Jean sans Peur or John the Fearless, and consists of a crucifixion scene surrounded by 6 prophets (Moses, David, Jeremiah, Zachariah, Daniel and Isaiah), with 6 weeping angels. Picture by Manuel Cohen
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